seed paper Cuppad's profile

Sharing Seed Paper Brooch Of Customized Products

Environmental protection is a habit and way of life. Any environmentally friendly products will produce certain pollution during the production process. 

This is inevitable. What we need to do is to use our own actions to promote the concept of environmental protection and let people understand environmental protection. 

Conserving water, not littering plastic waste, and not littering in rivers and seas is also an environmentally friendly way.

Seed paper is just an environmentally friendly concept product. Its appearance can be made directly from waste paper as a source material, which can indeed reduce the felling of some trees
But it is also a product that speaks for environmental protection. You are welcome to join us to promote environmental protection~

The following is a sharing of the finished seed paper brooch ordered by the customer:
Sharing Seed Paper Brooch Of Customized Products

Sharing Seed Paper Brooch Of Customized Products
